
1 Register
2 Imagination Competition
3 Payment

Below are options to add additional items and creative elements to your Intrigue experience.

Improv Competition

Is now registered via dance comp genie in the main registration portal

Imagination Competition

Jump into the director's position with this opportunity to try your hand at choreographing, staging, and lighting your own group piece. Entries are limited to 5 per regional city.

If you'd like to sign up for any (or all) of these experiences, please check the "Yes" button on each of the following screens. Then, once you've decided on which to purchase, you'll be taken to the check out section.

Imagination Competition

Imagination Competition was not selected. Please press the "Next" button

Register for Imagination Competition

Payment Summary

Improv Competition: $[field19].00

Imagination Competition: $[field81].00

$ [field12 + field19 + field81]
Stripe Card Placeholder